How SDK Can Fast-Track Your Web3 Project

what is sdk and how does it help you in the web3 world

Learn the benefits of integrating with a software development kit (SDK) and get started with Blocto SDK!

What is an SDK?

A software development kit (SDK), also known as a devkit, is a collection of tools for software development that are contained in one installable package. SDKs can contain libraries, tools, sample code, relevant documentation, and application programming interfaces (APIs), and are usually specific to a certain operating system. For example, building an app for iOS requires an iOS SDK.

These SDK tools come in handy to help developers create specialized applications with more advanced functionalities by streamlining an otherwise complex workflow and equipping them with the right tools to solve problems. 

When to use SDKs

In building an app, SDKs allow you to build applications without writing code from scratch. The building blocks that you need are already within the kit, and SDKs often don’t have dependencies—they don’t require integration with other components. Use an SDK when you want to skip out on the time-consuming process of writing code and go straight to building and refining your app! This means that if you want to save valuable time and labor in the development process, then using a plug-and-play SDK is probably your best bet to do that.


Both SDKs and APIs (application programming interfaces) allow devs to improve software functionality. Let’s take a look at some of their key differences below.

Essentially, SDKs are toolkits to help you build your application, while APIs are interfaces to help you interact between software or applications. APIs are sets of functions and procedures that allow apps to access the data of an operating system, application, or other service. And while SDKs are OS-specific, APIs work across all operating systems and are a common feature in Internet of Things (IoT) devices and device management systems.

That being said, SDKs often contain an API for connecting new apps or projects at the source-text level. Devs can then optimize and troubleshoot, adding new features on top of this with the tools provided. So it may be the case that you don’t have to choose between SDK or API—you can easily have and make use of both to boost your productivity and get to launch faster.

Blocto SDK

Because we want to bring a seamless Web3 experience to both users and developers alike, we have Blocto SDK to help developers integrate faster—in as little as two lines of code! We have Javascript SDK, iOS SDK, Android SDK, and Unity SDK, all supporting a handful of different chains. With accessible docs and full support for every step, your project can build fast and grow faster with Blocto SDK. Check out Blocto SDK and start integrating today!

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